Bluesky Nursery takes safeguarding of our children and staff very seriously. The setting utilises the Birmingham’s Right help and Right time model to place the voice of the child at the centre of planning, decision making and service delivery. We believe all individuals have a responsibility towards ensuring children are happy and safe at all times. Nursery practitioners have a legal obligation under the Children’s Act 2004 to ensure that their functions are discharged with regard to the need to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
Safeguarding and Promoting welfare is defined as:
- protecting children from maltreatment or neglect,
- preventing impairment to the child’s health or development,
- ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care,
- preventing extremist radicalisation
- promoting optimum life chances.
To ensure children are safe and protected, the nursery have a legal obligation to pass all safeguarding information to the appropriate service. All information passed are kept confidential at all times and will only be shared when required. Parents may be informed in some cases that the nursery has passed on information. However, if this increases the risk for the child, parents will not be informed.
In order for staff to comply fully with their safeguarding duties, and ensure children are looked after to the best of the nursery’s abilities. It is important all members of staff receive adequate training, understand their obligations and obey the nurseries policy.
If you have any concerns you have a duty to report it to a member of staff at the nursery, staff can be contacted on 0121 306 4808.
If you wish to read further on safeguarding, there are many useful links you can click below: