What is Makaton?

Makaton is where individuals use signs and symbols communicate. It is designed to support the development of spoken language. Using signs can help children who have no speech or whose speech is unclear.

Makaton is a visual way of developing communication skills, which helps stimulate sounds and words. By using Makaton this will encourage language development such as putting words together. It is flexible as it can be adapted to the individual’s needs and used at a level that is suitable for them.

At Bluesky Nursery we encourage our children to use Makaton as we believe that this is a perfect way for our younger children who may have limited speech to express themselves and communicate what they want, think or how they feel.

How to use Makaton?

  • Use clear and short sentences
  • Remember to speak and sign at the same time
  • Use the sign or symbol for the important word in the sentence
  • Remember to make eye contact and use facial expression, body language and gestures
  • You may need to guide your child’s hands to help them make the sign
  • Reward any attempt at communication and use the sign and symbol for ‘Good’ to give praise

For further information visit the Makaton website here.

Mr Mak